Information For Our Customers Outside Great Britain

If you are buying one of our products or returning a product for repair or service please add the following information to your customs declaration where required. 

  • To prevent any import charges, please declare the goods as “For Repair and Return” or follow your local country’s guidelines for export of repaired goods.


  • Our EORI is GB480702891000


  • Commodity Code (also known as Harmonised, Tariff, and HS codes) 853400 90

  • Following Changes from 1st July 2021 some international goods are attracting import duties which we cannot be responsible for. When assigning a value to the goods on your declaration please ensure that you assign a realistic value, and not a replacement value. Remember you are generally sending faulty goods with a low realistic value. If import duties are assigned to the package then, the lower the declared value, the lower the duty payable. Although all goods are subject to VAT and clearance,  goods with a declared value of more than 150 Euros will attract extra duties.

  • It’s possible that your local country may charge VAT (MWSt, TVA, IVA) at your local rate – Please be aware of this.
